Since I am waiting for the next session to start I decided to go down to the Blogger's area. Looks really close to what it did in 2009.
Fast forward to Wednesday. The sessions have been good, although I did run into another one that didn't quite live up to what the course catalogue described. Currently my opinion of EMC World 2012 is that it is "okay". The vendor area seems a little lacking and there are empty booths. With today's economy I can understand that. My biggest complaint has been the spotty Wifi. I guess since this Vegas they want you to gamble on if you are actually going to be able to connect or not.
I am excited to get back to the office and implement some of the software releases and upgrades that I have seen. Two of the main ones are Unisphere for VMAX and on Monday version 1.6 of Prosphere was released. I got to see what Unisphere for VMAX looked like and it looks like it is going to be a very handy tool to use in our enterprise.